
EasyKnock Customer Success Story: Erin

By Amanda Hoey
customer success

Find out how Erin and her family went from struggling with the declining health of her father and unending debts to paying down debts and creating the home of their dreams. This is Erin’s EasyKnock customer success story.

When Erin and her parents received the news that her father was suffering from cancer, they knew they had no time to spare. They began the process of undergoing medical treatments and doing all they could to help him be as comfortable as possible. That included finding a home that they all loved and could share together. The family purchased their dream house and moved in, planning to eventually complete some much-needed renovations and make the home perfect for them. 

Unfortunately, Erin’s father eventually past away, leaving her and her mother with a lot to deal with. “When we lost him we had the medical bills piled up but no longer had his income from disability. We had all these things on the house that we wanted to fix and upgrade but had no way of doing that,” she explained. “We tried the traditional methods but we couldn’t get approved for anything, so we thought ‘what else can we do’?”

Fortunately, the home had 100% equity in it. Unfortunately, getting access to that equity was not going to prove easy and Erin knew she was going to have to start thinking outside of the box.

“I just happened to come across an ad for EasyKnock on Facebook,” she says. “I had never heard of it before. I looked at the website and some reviews. It happened really fast. We got cash right away and were able to do a lot of the things we had wanted to do to the house since we moved here.” 

EasyKnock Customer Service Sucess

So what was it about EasyKnock that got Erin’s attention?

“EasyKnock piqued my interest with the way it works,” Erin began. “It is not a home equity loan. It is not a traditional method. It’s for people like me that don’t have the greatest credit or work history but have equity in their home and need to access it quickly. They are the only ones I’ve found that help you do that without being a home equity loan.”

One specific success our customer Erin remembers so vividly from her experience was the conversation with the EasyKnock Representatives. “I had never heard of it before and know I needed to find more out about it from the source. I called and talked to a representative. He was so kind and patient and explained everything to me. What my options were, how it works, and how quickly it works. They explained everything step by step.” EasyKnock knows that matters of the home and family are never light and that’s why each representative takes the utmost care in walking every customer through the process at their own pace.  

After choosing to work with EasyKnock, Erin was able to get the cash she needed out of her home to transform it to their potential dream home to everything they’ve been wanting after so much hardship. 

A Better Quality of Life

One success our customer Erin noted was the speed at which everything happened once she made the decision to work with EasyKnock. “Huge repairs were done within 60 days of closing on the house,” she explains. “We were in awe of what our house looked like just 2 months after we sold it. We had all the repairs and upgrades done in 2 months that we had been wanting to do for 8 years.” 

Now Erin reflects back on how life was for her and her family just a few years ago when every day felt like a struggle to get by. EasyKnock has helped Erin to change the narrative of her life and has helped her finances. 

“The sale to EasyKnock lifted a lot of the weight of the financial burden we were dealing with. Selling the house helps us because even though we pay rent, we don’t have to pay homeowner’s insurance, annual property taxes, and other ownership maintenance. It’s easier for us to manage the rent payment than the other liabilities of owning the home. We no longer have the financial concerns that we used to.”

Customer Success: Erin’s Next Steps

“Since selling our house to EK and doing all the upgrades, it’s a joy to live here. It’s almost like we live in a brand new house,” Erin exclaims. “When we moved here 8 years ago, the house needed so many repairs. Now that all that is fixed, this house has become what we’ve wanted to live in forever.”

So what’s next for Erin and the home she loves?  “All that’s left on our to-do list is just the cosmetic stuff like removing the carpeting to show the beautiful hardwood floors. We want to redo the stairs and banisters, paint a few more rooms, and get rid of some wallpaper. Just little touch-ups that make this the home we want and customized to our taste.”

Key Takeaways

If you’re feeling stuck, like you can’t get a hang of your finances, and yet qualifying for traditional financial solutions has proven to be nearly impossible, EasyKnock may be the answer. Read another EasyKnock customer success story from Ronda and learn more about how EasyKnock is helping every customer achieve success and get their lives back on track and how our sale-leaseback solutions may be able to help you do the same. Contact us today to get started.

Customer Story
Life Event
Medical Expenses
Amanda Hoey
Written by Amanda Hoey
Content Marketing Manager for EasyKnock, financial and real estate writer.

This article is published for educational and informational purposes only. This article is not offered as advice and should not be relied on as such. This content is based on research and/or other relevant articles and contains trusted sources, but does not express the concerns of EasyKnock. Our goal at EasyKnock is to provide readers with up-to-date and objective resources on real estate and mortgage-related topics. Our content is written by experienced contributors in the finance and real-estate space and all articles undergo an in-depth review process. EasyKnock is not a debt collector, a collection agency, nor a credit counseling service company.