
How EasyKnock Helped Me As A Small Business Owner

By Tom Burchnell
small business owner

As a small business owner, I knew I might find myself eventually needing to lean on my personal assets to keep my small business running smoothly. I was aware of strict lending regulations, but I was wholly unaware that being a non-W2 earner would make me ineligible for financing.

As a last resort, I was considering selling my vintage car collection to access the cash I needed. Luckily, I learned of EasyKnock. They helped me when no one else would. I didn’t feel judged or deemed incapable of paying back a term of refinancing.  

Today I am happy to say that not only am I still a small business owner, but each and every day I am continuously benefitting from EasyKnock’s Sell & Stay program. My small business is thriving, my employees are paid on time, my car collection remains untouched in my garage, and best of all I’ve been able to stay in my home. – Chris

Customer Story
Small Business
Tom Burchnell
Written by Tom Burchnell
Director of Product Marketing

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