
EasyKnock Backs Restoration of Beloved Roadside Art Piece

By Amanda Hoey
EasyKnock Backs Restoration

EasyKnock co-founders Ben Black and Jarred Kessler were looking for a way to give back to their real estate tech company’s Long Island market base. They found it in the beloved Stargazer statue by Linda Scott and co-creator David Morris. EasyKnock was proud to backs the restoration of this iconic piece of art.

The statue, located on the east side of Manorville Rd. in Brookhaven, is conveniently placed so that those heading out of the city for the Hamptons can get a look at it. It has become an iconic art piece to those in the area. It’s known to many as the Gateway to the Hamptons. The artist, when asked what the piece represents, stated that they are a mark of the connection between the above and below.

Over the years, many people in the area have stepped up to help keep the statue in good shape. Private citizens of the town where the statue is placed even contributed to Stargazer’s repair when it was vandalized in 1996. Stargazer is made of stucco rather than the expected steel or other metals one might expect of a large outdoor art installation like this one. This means that it requires a lot of upkeep. Over the past few years, the statue has visibly degraded. Harsh weather has led to the piece essentially falling apart despite the restoration efforts that have been enacted in the past.

The piece is in need of some tender loving care again, and EasyKnock is stepping up to seed the funding to save this iconic art piece this time. Stargazer creator Linda Scott passed away in 2015. Since then, David Morris, the statue’s co-creator, has been working tirelessly to keep up with the maintenance of Stargazer, and they hope to help him achieve his goal of carrying on Linda’s legacy.

EasyKnock’s co-founders are well aware that the charm the city possesses and the passion that Long Island inspires is a big part of their business, and this art piece is the embodiment of both of those things. The piece itself has become symbolic of the area and therefore was the perfect project for Ben and Jarred to take on in an effort to improve their little corner of the world.

In the real estate business, you often hear about how the most important thing to consider is location, and this means that serving the area where they’re located is in the best interest of EasyKnock and its founders. Their business, which uses technology to offer an alternative to the traditional real estate buying and selling experience, actually helps save people money and offers a more DIY real estate experience. Long Island serves as the focus of EasyKnock’s business, and they take pride in serving the area and the people who frequent it.

Jarred Kessler
Amanda Hoey
Written by Amanda Hoey
Content Marketing Manager for EasyKnock, financial and real estate writer.

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