
EasyKnock Customer Success Story: Monnie

By Tom Burchnell
easyknock customer success

EasyKnock is helping customers around the country reach their goals. Read more about Monnie’s EasyKnock Customer Success Story:

“I found EasyKnock on the internet and really it came at the perfect time. I love my home and with my husband passing away I wanted to ensure I stayed connected to the property we shared together. We’ve had several changes over the last year and to be honest, I couldn’t imagine having to uproot myself and my children in a move.

When I applied for the EasyKnock Sell & Stay program I was worried I wouldn’t qualify due to a lower credit score that was preventing me from refinancing or taking a line of credit against my phone. I work in medicine and I think there’s a stigma around low credit. But the truth is that everyone suffers from financial difficulties in their life. Since closing the Sell & Stay deal and becoming a tenant in my home I am saving over $500 a month and my credit score has already increased. I’m able to sleep at night, focus on my work and live my life without the constant worry I once had surrounding my finances.”

Key Takeaways

If you are like Monnie, you’re in need of some creative solutions for your personal needs. Contact EasyKnock to learn more about EasyKnock customer success stories and how we can help you reach your goals.

Customer Story
Tom Burchnell
Written by Tom Burchnell
Director of Product Marketing

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